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Tax Unit

Head of Unit Nayia Symeonidou

Tax Policy

The Tax Policy Unit mainly deals with the formulation of tax policy on the basis of European and international developments. It collaborates with the Tax Department and the Customs Department mainly on administrative matters, jointly promoting bills or policies and related matters, and examining requests from organizations and citizens. 

(a) Requests for tax debts write downs: consider requests of write down of due taxes or concession gratia grant for payment of tax due.  

(b) Holistic and Green Tax Reform.

(c) Promotion of tax measures that result either from the formulation of national policy or from European directives.

(d) Monitoring European Directives. 

(e) Coordination of negotiation process and processing DTAs. 

(f) Coordination and processing of other tax agreements that regulate the tax relationships of the Republic with third countries and Organizations (i.e. for the exchange of information for tax purposes and for tax transparency).  


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